Tuesday, February 3, 2009

blogger virgin!

so here goes nothing!

i have a few friends that blog and have been saying "You need a BLOG!"...so ok...here it is. my blog. not sure how i feel about this. off the bat, i should warn readers that i alternate between typing all lower-case and then Normal Typing without even thinking about it. I'm an Aggie...that's my excuse. Oh, I also use "..." entirely too much. I love it...

so as the title states, i am a virgin blogger, meaning i have never blogged. i think the closest i came to blogging was copying and pasting a few things i like onto myspace. and that experience was less than thrilling. however i suppose there is something cleansing, maybe healing...and certainly entertaining about the blogging world. after all, as i mentioned, i have several friends that do this...even my MENTOR for christ-sake...so there must be something to it. even if there isn't to hell with it, i am going to try it for a while and see what comes of it.

so being a bit technically challenged, i feel really alone right now. i've looked at a few other bloggers blogs and um, well...mine leaves a lot to be desired. i was afraid this might happen...i already have blogger envy so now will convince myself that this blog has to be AWESOME and must teach self to insert photos and hot links and blah blah blah...eeek.

I just noticed I start most paragraphs with "so"...that's wild. I am so not good at this. Which by the way, what's with my desire to be good at everything? I mean, I don't want to just be ok at something...i want to be good...even great at it. Why be an ok cook? an pretty decent friend? a so-so lover? no, i want to be GOOD AT IT.

alright i am off to figure out the technical side of this blogging stuff. in the meantime, if anyone knows how to make my photo on the main page of this thing not so damn GINORMOUS, please let me know. thanks.